It was only a tiny seed, 它只不过是一粒种籽小丁丁,
carelessly brushed aside ; 被人漫不经心地抛在一旁;
But it grew in time to be a noxious weed , 但是后来它竟长成毒草一根,
And spread its posion wide . 而且让毒汁淌到四面八方。
It was only a littte leak , 它只不过是小小的一丝裂口,
so small you could hardly see; 小得你的眼睛都瞧不清楚;
But the rising waters found the break , 但是江河猛涨,涌向这一缝隙,
And wreeked the great levee . 从而冲垮了那道防洪大堤。
It was only a single spark , 它只不过是一丁点星星之火,
dropped by a passing train ; 从过往的列车上偶然坠落;
But the deed leaves caught ,and swift and dark 但是枯干的树叶若遭它触着,
was its work on wood and plain . 森林平原便立刻黑漆一抹。
It was only a thoughtless word , 它只不过上轻率的一言半语,
Scarcely meant to be unkind ; 几乎全不是存心对人刻薄;
But it pierced as a dart to the heart that heard , 但是听起来像标枪刺入心窝,
And left its sting behind . 给人留下的伤痕没法愈合。
It may seem a trifle at most , 它看来最多只是小事一桩,
the things that we do or say . 不过是我们平日的言行;
And yet it may be at fearful cost , 但是那代价也许可怕得非常,
we may wish it undone some day . 真惟愿自己不曾如此这般。